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Fashion Designing After 12th: Your Pathway to a Bright Career with NIFD Patna

Completing your 12th grade and contemplating your future? If you have a passion for fashion and creativity, then a career in fashion designing could be your ideal path. One of the best ways to pursue this dream is by enrolling in the B.Des course in fashion at NIFD Patna. Known for its excellence in fashion education, NIFD Patna provides a comprehensive program that equips students with the skills and knowledge required to excel in the fashion industry. Let’s explore why NIFD Patna is a top choice for students searching for “fashion designing colleges near me” or “fashion designing course Patna.”

Why Choose Fashion Designing After 12th?

Fashion designing is a dynamic field that offers numerous opportunities for creative expression and professional growth. By pursuing a B.Des course in fashion, you gain access to a world of possibilities, including roles such as fashion designer, stylist, merchandiser, and more. The fashion industry is constantly evolving, and with the right education, you can be at the forefront of these exciting changes.

NIFD Patna: A Premier Institution for Fashion Design

NIFD Patna stands out among fashion designing colleges in Patna for several reasons:

  1. Comprehensive Curriculum: The B.Des course in fashion at NIFD Patna is designed to provide students with a deep understanding of fashion design principles, textile science, garment construction, and fashion illustration. The curriculum is regularly updated to keep pace with industry trends, ensuring that students receive a relevant and contemporary education​ (CollegeDekho)​.
  2. Experienced Faculty: NIFD Patna boasts a team of highly experienced faculty members who bring a wealth of knowledge and industry experience to the classroom. Their guidance helps students develop a strong foundation in both the creative and technical aspects of fashion design.
  3. State-of-the-Art Facilities: The institute provides state-of-the-art facilities, including well-equipped design labs, sewing studios, and resource centers. These facilities enable students to experiment and bring their creative ideas to life in a supportive environment​ (CollegeDekho)​.
  4. Industry Exposure: NIFD Patna places a strong emphasis on industry exposure. Students have the opportunity to participate in internships, workshops, and seminars conducted by industry professionals. These experiences provide valuable insights and help students build a strong professional network​ (NIFT)​​ (CollegeDekho)​.
  5. Successful Alumni: The success stories of NIFD Patna alumni are a testament to the quality of education provided by the institute. Graduates have gone on to work with top fashion houses, start their own labels, and achieve significant milestones in their careers.

Admission Process and Fees

To gain admission to the B.Des course in fashion at NIFD Patna, candidates must clear the NIFT entrance exam, which assesses their creative and technical abilities. The admission process includes a Creative Ability Test (CAT), General Ability Test (GAT), and a Situation Test. This rigorous selection process ensures that only the most talented and dedicated students are admitted to the program.

The fee structure for the B.Des course is competitive, making it accessible to a wide range of students. Detailed information about the fees and admission process can be found on the official NIFT Patna website and CollegeDekho​ (CollegeDekho)​.

Real Insights and Opportunities

NIFD Patna provides students with ample opportunities to showcase their talents through fashion shows, design competitions, and exhibitions. The institute’s strong industry connections ensure that students have access to internships and job placements with leading fashion brands and designers. This exposure not only enhances their learning experience but also significantly boosts their employability.


If you’re passionate about fashion and looking for a “fashion designing course Patna” or “fashion designing colleges near me,” NIFD Patna should be at the top of your list. The institute’s comprehensive curriculum, experienced faculty, state-of-the-art facilities, and strong industry connections make it an ideal choice for aspiring fashion designers. Start your journey in fashion designing with NIFD Patna and pave the way for a bright and successful career in the fashion industry.

For more information on courses and admission details, visit the official NIFT Patna website and CollegeDekho.

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